Did you know that an appartment is more then twice as likley to be burglarised as a singe family home. True. There are many things you can do to protect you belongings and get the thief to hit the house next door instead of yours. The officialstolenlost.com web site has free reports on what you can do to help yourself in this situation. It also has a great data base for you to list your stolen and lost property so it is available for others to see. It is something you can do to that could be effective in getting your stuff back. There is also many free reports on home and personal security available on this site.
Security Tips for your kids
There is nothing more important than the safety of your family, your home and yourself. That’s why we’ve developed this comprehensive checklist of things you can do to stay safe. From your kids, to your parents, to your home or business, what follows are invaluable tips on how to make your life as safe and secure as it can be.
Street smarts: Keeping your kids safe. "Streetproofing" your children is one of the most important safety measures you can take. Here are some easy to follow guidelines to ensure your family’s safety.
· Take the time to teach your children safety rules in a clear way that they can understand.
· Keep a current photograph of your child on hand. Practice creating a complete and specific description of your child, so you’ll be ready if the need arises. · Take a minute every day to make note of what your child is wearing when he/she leaves the house.
· Develop family check-in procedures so you always know where your child is, and your child knows where you are.
· Make sure you know the route(s) your children use to get to and from school or their friends’ homes.
· Take a "safety walk" with your children over routes they often travel. Help them understand how to avoid potential trouble, e.g. staying away from unlit, remote or hidden areas.
· Help your child understand who or what a stranger is.
· Teach your child what to do if approached by a stranger.
· Keep a list of your children's friends and their parents' names and phone numbers.
We know your family’s safety is your top priority. The best way to make sure they stay safe is by talking about the points we’ve listed above, over and over again. Make sure everyone in the family understands how important it is to follow the family safety guidelines.
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